Place of the Subconscious Mind
The subconscious mind holds the key to happiness and sense of fulfilment. Telling your subconscious mind that the cup is half-full will awaken some deep-seated feelings of possibility and encourage you to forge ahead despite the prevailing circumstances. Conclusively what you feed your subconscious mind will either bear the fruit of positivity and happiness or negativity and a sense of loss.
Since the subconscious mind holds the key to happiness, changing the way your mind works can make you happy and positive. Continue reading http://www.subconsciousmindpowertechniques.com/ to find out how you can control your subconscious mind to attain a state of constant happiness.
Changing your perspectives to achieve happiness
Your happiness is attached to the way you view a situation. Whenever you are faced with any untoward circumstances, ask yourself these two questions:
• What is that particular thing that is good or positive about this current situation?
• What is the hidden opportunity in this situation?
Asking these questions meditatively will open your eyes to possibilities and enable you to see things from an entirely different perspective. Opportunities that others could not see will be made clear and visible to you irrespective of how bad the situation may seem.
Changing your environment to achieve happiness
The kind person you spend your time with can determine your happiness or lack therefore. Your environment can be controlled by the following:
• Your choice of music
• The movies or programs you watch on TV
• The stuff you browse about on the internet
• The magazines and books you read
• The people you associate with.
A school of thought believes that music is the food for the soul and they are right every bit. Positive music can influence your subconscious mind and fill you with positivity, lifting your mind to an unprecedented level of happiness in the process; negative music will invariably do the opposite.
Finally, the subconscious mind does not feed on music alone; it also feeds on the things you watch on TV, the content of the books you read and the kind of advice you hear from people. Consequently, you need to change the company you keep, the contents you watch on TV and the books you read to maintain a state of constant positivity and happiness irrespective of the prevailing circumstances.